Does It Matter What Gas I Use?
- June 16, 2022
Every time you need to put gasoline in your car, you’re faced with many options. Maybe you’re a driver who has a preference for a particular gas station. Maybe you’re a driver that chooses a gas station based on convenience. No matter what kind of driver you are, every gasoline car driver is faced with […]
- April 22, 2022
Many auto repair shops perform visual inspections of vehicles and record their findings on paper. While there’s nothing wrong with this method, there’s a new and more efficient way to do vehicle inspections. Digital inspections are taking the auto repair industry by storm. Take a look at some of the many reasons why digital inspections […]
- February 4, 2022
Every car should have an emergency kit. Imagine being stuck in your car, needing help, and not having any supplies. In some instances, not having an emergency kit can be detrimental. To avoid issues, make sure to pack an emergency kit inside your car. Here’s what should be included. Items to Include At the basic […]
- October 30, 2021
Your vehicle is an investment, one that you probably need/want to make last for a long time. When properly maintained, most vehicles can give you hundreds of thousands of miles and years of service. At Mighty Auto Pro, we’ve been helping the good people of Medina, OH maintain their vehicles for a long time, and […]
- August 26, 2021
Most teens can’t wait to get their licenses. For those teens who are fortunate to have a car available to drive upon receiving their license, it signifies a new sense of freedom and independence. However, although having a license and a car is exciting, it comes with a lot of responsibility, including maintaining the car […]
- July 6, 2021
You may love the heat that the summer brings, but your car may not. During the summer, your vehicle is at risk for overheating and extensive damage. That’s why it’s important that you find ways to keep your car cool during the hot summer months. Here are five simple ways you can keep your car […]
- November 5, 2020
Choosing the right repair shop is important. You’re trusting them to take care of your car and be honest about any repairs needed. Choosing the wrong shop can leave your car in poor shape, doing unnecessary repairs, and spending more money than you should. Before you choose an auto repair shop, look for these things […]
- August 3, 2020
Choosing the right auto repair shop is crucial for the longevity of your car. Your end goal is to find one that is reliable, knows how to service your vehicle, and is trustworthy. To help you determine if an auto repair shop is worth your time and money, here are some things to look for. […]
- July 3, 2020
Chances are that you want your vehicle to last a long time. With the right practices and maintenance, your vehicle can keep you driving safely and efficiently for many years. Here are some things you can do to extend the life of your vehicle. Stick to the Maintenance Schedule Do you know that book that […]
- June 5, 2020
Whether you’ve been driving for decades or you’ve just gotten started, the open road can be both liberating and dangerous. Thankfully, there are methods that you can employ to stay safe while you drive. Today we’re going to be talking about some of the most common driving hazards and how you can avoid them. Distracted […]
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